Iluminated signal / Señalamiento iluminado
There are a lot of photoblogs to see "September Theme Day is Street Lights / Street Signs"
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Felices 365 del 2014 a todos ustedes
Felices 365 del 2014 a todos ustedes, originally uploaded by Polycarpio.
Hace 11 años.
14 comentarios:
Great picture, I love the contrast between light and dark.
That's a really nice effect. I like it! :)
Cool blue colour in the flash light! Nice one! (And amazingly enough the colour match Lothiane's shirt/jacket ;o) )
pues no se que decirte, vaya forma de iluminar toda la foto, te ha quedado fantástica. enhorabuena.
How is this illuminated: light reflection, paint,???
It looks like you were near a post office where you can send your mail and there is no entry allowed, as the crossed out E would imply ... Was the street sign bent by vandals or does the street take a 90 degree turn at that point? ... your photo lead me in all sorts of directions (smile).
Polycarpio, qué colores tan maravillosos y creo que la Torre Latinoamerica está al fondo, ¿correcto?
Hay cómo extraño un fin de semana largo en el D.F.
Very creative idea.We should have some of that here in Malaysia.Would really help the drivers to see the sign at night.
Love the blue colour.
Look how many street signs are in this one photo :)
Wow, This photograph is magnificent. Such light! Kudos. And I notice Mexico City has a similar problem to Seattle in that street signs are damaged/getting unreadable. Seattle is just now replacing all its street signs. . .
Interesting sign, a shame it looks so grubby and battered.
Justo los últimos instantes del mágico intervalo en que se mezclan los dos tipos de luz.
Very interesting, Poly. I do not think we have any illuminated signs I will have to check.
what an interesting sign....don't believe I have seen one like that before.
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